I just wanna feel something

Das gab es schon eine ganze Weile nicht mehr: dass ich mehr zufäl­lig auf einen You­Tube Link kli­cke, den jemand bei Twit­ter gepos­tet hat und vom ers­ten Ton an zu tau­send Pro­zent berührt bin, so dass der Song jetzt seit 3 Stun­den in Dau­er­schleife läuft - inzwi­schen über Kopf­hö­rer, damit meine armen Nach­ba­rin­nen nicht ver­rückt werden.

Stimme, Musik, Text, ein­fach alles. Es trifft mit­ten ins Trä­nen­zen­trum. Ganz beson­ders die Stelle bei 2:35. Puh…

Sanity, where have you gone?
You leave at night, return at dawn
I fall from grace, here in the dark
Turn the dive into a work of art

I kissed some­body, I don’t know her name
My baby saw me, but I felt no shame
I start to fight with anyone who’s in
Hurt ever­y­body, but I feel no pain

I just wanna feel some­thing
I just wanna feel some­thing

Hear me now, laugh with the crowd
But inside the silence screa­ming loud
Touch me now, my body is warm
But inside, I’m fro­zen to the bone

I held some bodies tried to crush the cold
But I’m not sorry for the hearts I stole
I wish I could give you tears from my eyes
But it seems that I for­got­ten how to cry

I just wanna feel some­thing
I just wanna feel some­thing

I’m drin­king until I’m drunk
I’m sin­king until I’m sunk
But not­hing I do, not­hing I do seems to fill me
I’m blee­ding but I’m still numb
I’m was­ted but I still run (still run)
Run right into, run right into what might kill me

Just to feel some­thing

I just wanna feel some­thing
Just to feel some­thing
(I just wanna feel some­thing)

Sanity, where have you gone?
You leave at night, return at dawn

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